This is a photo in the June Vogue Australia.
I was wondering if this is a fashion that I could wear, so I got out the pants from a suit I made, maybe in 1997, and rolled up the cuffs, to have a look. The details are washed out in the photo, but they are high-waisted, with pleats and tapered legs (yes, really, and I still have them). The waistcoat is a muslin that I started working on last weekend. I think I like the pants, but now I am wondering, do I have to make a new pair, or can I just adapt this pair? The fabric is a beautiful wool, from back in the days when Lincraft sold beautiful wool.
I'm not sure what fabric to use for the waistcoat. Have I mentioned that I am stash sewing? It hasn't been too bad, because I bought a heap of fabric in January and my fabric diet only started in February. I like having a stash to shop, but I do find it overwhelming at times. Sometimes I think stash sewing promotes creativity, at other times , I just want to go and buy the perfenct fabric for a project.
Anyway, back to the pants...if the fashion comes around again, can you wear it again?
I think you have the perfect figure for this type of pants. And it's not such an "ugly fad" style that you can't wear it the second time around. So I'd say: go for it!
I say absolutely. That's why so many people pay premium bucks for vintage finds! I think they look great.
Sure you can! Have fun, if you enjoy it, it'll show and you'll look great.
And I'm all for the school of "perfect fabric for perfect project" thought so if you haven't got it in stash, go on, go out and buy it. Diets were made to be broken.
Go for it - the look really suits you and those pants! Shopping the stash can be fun but sometimes you need the 'perfect' fabric.
Of course you can! The first thing I noticed in the pic was your skinny little ankles - perfect (and probably necessary) for those pants!
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