

Jewel tones

Today I am torn between wanting to record my sewing and not wanting to show you my poor work...the record keeping has won out, so here it is.

I whipped up this top last weekend.  I love the colours, which are my nod to the changing seasons.  As you can see by the footwear, it is not exactly cold here though.  Actually, it is a little bit wet.  I had a chuckle in an office meeting last week when I looked around and saw that thongs are the footwear de rigueur at the moment.  Shoes that you can hose off just seem to be the most practical choice.

Anyway, back to the top.  I was going to use Vogue 8636, but a quick check of PR suggested that it was challenging to fit for square shoulders.  So, instead, I used my knit sloper and a regular sleeve from another t-shirt and quickly drew in some raglan lines...I was in the mood for sewing, not pattern drafting...and you can see that the resulting pattern has wrinkles from the armpit over the bust.  I will wear it though, because I love the colours, and it is comfy, and I just have to accept with my very limited sewing time, it is a compromise between quality and going with the momentum of inspiration.

PS the fabric is still available here.


  1. The colours are beautiful and I like the style of the t-shirt. It looks like the t-shirt has snagged on your bra not really pulling lines. I don't know you'll get much winter in Gove! LOL!

  2. I'm with summer flies. The t-shirt is rather nice!

  3. We win some, we lose some. I appreciate full disclosure of the not so happy garments. Happy thonging!

  4. The colours are beeeeeautiful. Love jewel tones for winter. Yeah, not that winter's really getting started, even down here in Melbourne.
    Re quality, even if you don;t feel it's your best work its still far better than much ready-to-wear!

  5. I agree with Summer, it looks like the shirt just got stuck! It looks good to me! It's just getting nice enough where I live to go without socks and boots, I'm so excited for sandals!

  6. How frustrating. I have had a few similar moments where I have wanted to sew but being time challenged I have made silly mistakes. Note to self.....don't rush it!

  7. Love those colors. For what it's worth, the wrinkles don't look so bad, though I can imagine they are driving you crazy!

  8. The colors are so pretty - I think it's lovely, thanks for sharing!

  9. I nearly didn't recognise you in those colours - I am so used to seeing you in the tradition bights of the "spring" palette - and I suddenly noticed your hair was quite dark, which I had never noticed before. Top looks good to me, I would never have noticed the things that have made you disappointed with it, but then these days I have found that my concept of "good enough" sewing is much more relaxed than it ever used to be!

  10. I love the color of your top, and my sewing is far from perfect, so I think yours looks really good.

  11. Beautiful outfit! I am so impressed that your thongs match :) I can see the little wrinkles but I wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't mentioned them and I think the top is absolutely gorgeous!!!

  12. Great fabric - tug the top down occasionally - no-one will notice the wrinkles! :)

  13. Sometimes you just need to sew more than actually need the end product. The colours are great and only another sewer would even give the wrinkles a second thought, enjoy your autumn top.

  14. I'm also interested in the skirt - did you make that? is it linen?

    1. Hello Nessie,

      The skirt is made of ponti, and I can see that the knees have bagged out over the day. The post on the skirt is here

  15. I am definitely in the "keep it and wear it" camp. Perhaps the fabrics of the top and the skirt are warring with each other and sticking? Nice colors, and wonderful flip flops.

  16. You look great in the jewel colours. It is hard to see any hiccups with your sewing from here, but it can be very frustrating when things do not behave as they should. Perhaps trying on some RTW would console you? It looks far better than that sort of fitting.

  17. I love these colors, and can relate to transitioning to winter colors even when the weather is otherwise. For a change in mood. T-shirts are such a low investment with a great return ;). I drafted so many losers last summer but I wear them constantly.

  18. They are really pretty colors and I like the co-ordinating sleeves with the plaid body. What wrinkles?

  19. Such gorgeous colors on you, totally envious! The whole combo looks nice and comfy, sometimes you just have to go with the flow and sew something to soothe your soul.
