The Burda pants sagged at the back, as do all my pants. After reading the drafting article, I realised that for a flat "seat" (very polite terminology) the slope of the CB seam changes. I adjusted the slope of the CB seam in the Burda pants as much as I could in the seam allowance. I have put photos of my muslin here, because the photos of the final pants are too dark to see much detail. Not great, but promising.
Then I remembered that I had downloaded a free trial of patternmaker, which included a macro to draft a pants pattern from Leena. I printed off a pattern and compared it to the Burda pattern. Leena's pattern had the CB seam more in the direction that I wanted it, so I went with her pattern instead. Now I should have made another muslin, but I didn't. I sewed up the pants and found that there was too much bagginess in front, so I adjusted the front crotch curve to be like a Burda pattern. There also appears to be too much fabric at the inner thigh. I shortened the crotch curve here and took in the pants at the thigh, but this does not seem to have fully resolved this issue.Here are the final pants. I can't actually do a review, with a Burda front, Patternmaker back, Vogue Alice and Olivia pockets and a waistband from my duct tape skirt.
I am not too fussed on the final result. They look okay in these photos, but that is only because I have stood so that you can see between my legs...otherwise there is just a big dark mass of extra fabric. I think I prefer wide, low waistbands...they help to break up that big expanse of flat "seat". I was hoping that the straight leg would give me longer silhouette, but I think maybe either skinny or full pants are more stylish, rather than the in-between. Also, I have really gone off stretch wovens (I've had this fabric stashed since before my last stretch woven disappointment).

Wow - that is a real composite set of pants!
The whole outfit looks really smart.
It's very hard to get rid of excess fabric with a flat seat. Pant gurus Palmer Pletsch have you do a lift/tuck. My sewing teacher and I could not fully get rid of mine. Improved, but not gone.
great pant's and an awesome top;-)
Your pants look fine (well-fitted, and long leg line) in the photo, but I know details on clothing made of dark fabrics don't always show up in photos. Love the top. The whole outfit is really pretty. Yesterday I tried to comparing the pants drafting instructions of Leena versus Lady Boutique pattern magazine versus Weekend Designers'. My head is spinning. I should just go ahead like you did; pick a pattern and make a muslin.
If you look at Sigrid's tutorial site, you will find a link to Ann Rowley's tutorial on adjusting for a flat seat. I have a link to it in my blog It is really good, and one of the easiest ways to fix your pants issues. If you have Threads issue 119, and I think 121, Joyce Murphy's articles on fitting pants have worked well for me. I have fixed my rear end issues, but I am still having problems with my front crotch. I made one muslin, now a pair of pants that are not perfect, and I think that another muslin is in order.
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