

Stylearc Austin Jacket

I made this Stylearc Austin Jacket a few months ago, but I must confess to hardly wearing it.  I think I chose the wrong fabric.  Having lived in very hot climates for most of my life, I haven't quite got the hang of layering.  Since I made this, I realise that when I want to put a jacket on, I want it to be weather proof in some way, to protect from wind and / or rain.  

The fabric I used is a viscose linen noil from maaidesign.  I don't even know what noil is.  I think I was swayed by the pattern cover, which has the jacket drawn up in this same colour. 

I left off the pockets, because the placement seemed a bit odd and not like somewhere I'd stick my phone.  I have enough scraps if I decide I want to add them later.  I made this a while ago, so I can't quite remember, but I think I might have made this 5 cm longer than the pattern indicated.

I did have perfectly matching thread for overlocking and perfectly matching toggles in my stash.  Shame I couldn't find a matching zipper.

Hopefully I can work out when to wear this jacket and so get some use from it.


  1. I SO understand the not knowing how to layer. And the whole 'what will I get use out of' and 'what do I need' bit when it comes to temperatures below about 26C

    I adore the colour of this! It's so bright and intense and cheerful. Really pretty for a grey winter day. Well summer now, but does Perth also get that crazy hot-cold-hot-cold summer weather Melbourne and Adelaide do?

  2. Oh and I like the zipper. Just brings a nice highlight to it :-)

    1. Thanks! I did try dyeing the zipper, but it didn't take the dye. Yes, Perth summer is crazy hot-cold. Also windy, so on some hot days I still can't wear my summer clothes. In my mind I miss the build up, but I guess you would prefer not to be in it just now??

  3. Lucky it looks so good since it didn't take the dye.

    yayayay it's the wet! A proper wet so far. I don't think there's a monsoon but so much rain it's never far away!

    So I guess if you'd asked me about prefering not to be in it a month ago it would be TOTALLY NEVER!!!

    But now it's like 'Oh yes, the build up.... well, if nothing else it helps identify what's important in life coz you're to hot and heat exhausted to do anything except the absolute essentials...'

    Hahaha naaaaah The wet's the best time of year I reckon. I'm happy to not have more than one build up a year lol! Or ugh ugh ugh those years it just build ups and never GETS to the wet. Like last year omg that was a real killer.

    So you can think of that when it goes freezing.

    I find the hot/cold stuff very hard. I definitely cope better with heat, or if I have to, cold, not flipping from one to the other.

    And windy! Interesting about that meaning you still can't wear the summer clothes some days coz of it.


  4. The jacket looks so good! The fabric is a lovely colour.
