

Stylearc Blossom Top in Liberty Silk

Hello there!  Isn't the light in this photo amazing?  I still get blown away by the amount of light on a sunny day in Perth.

Like many of you, my Easter weekend was pretty quiet.  This gave me the chance to sew a new blouse.  The pattern used is the Stylearc Blossom Woven Top.  It is an interesting style, as the front has Dolman sleeves but the back sleeves are regular sleeves.  I have decided that I am a Sz 12 in Stylearc tops.  I have had this pattern a while, and it was a size 10.  This style is fairly roomy so that worked out okay.  The only change I made was to add some width to the back bodice piece and gather it up to fit the yoke, as the back is where many of my shirts don't fit at the moment.  My only other fitting changes were a square shoulder adjustment and a forward neck adjustment.

The fabric is a Liberty silk, bought from Tessuti.  I bought this fabric before the Covid social distancing came into effect.  I looked at the Pantone colour of the year, and decided that I would make one "good" blouse in this colour to wear "everywhere" I needed to go this year.  Turns out I don't need to go anywhere.  Luckily, this top is so supremely comfortable that I can wear it at home, and I have already worn it a few days since it came off the sewing machine.  With the changes I made to the pattern (see further down), I think this blouse ended up more casual than dressy anyway.

This was my first time sewing with Liberty silk.  It was an absolute dream to work with.  I have never hemmed silk so easily.  I will definitely be buying Liberty silk again.

Helpfully, the right way up is even marked in the fabric selvedge :).

I chose buttons from my stash.  I actually had a lot of royal blue buttons in my stash.  I think this is because the Vinnies where I got several jars of buttons was right next door to a school where the uniform was royal blue.  In the ended, I eschewed the blue buttons in favour of these aquamarine green ones.

I got the last of this fabric from Tessuti.  There was only 1.25 m left.  Even though I didn't have a pattern in mind at this stage, I didn't think that would be enough.  I ummed and ahhed and then I came across the matching jersey fabric.  I used the jersey for the back.  It is a lighter shade than the silk and I think it will fade faster, but I don't mind this effect.  I think it is part of the reason that the blouse is so comfortable.  

I lengthened the blouse 7.5 cm (3 inches) before adding the frill.  I think this might have been a little too much.  Here is a photo of me with the top on before adding the frill.  I had already positioned the buttons and button-holes at this stage.  I still could have adjusted the length a little but couldn't visualise the effect of the frill very well, and decided to forge on ahead.

You can also see that my button placket is only the length of the upper portion of the blouse and the front frill is cut as a single piece.  This was due to fabric shortages.  The button placket is also cut on the cross grain.  The collar band was cut off grain dues to fabric shortages, but because it was interfaced, I didn't think that this was critical.  

The other change I made to the pattern was to cut a yoke lining.  I cut this out of cotton because I thought it would support the jersey fabric better than the silk.  I also didn't have enough fabric for a second yoke in silk.  I'm pretty happy with how the joke lining matches the main fabric.  It made me smile when I was hanging out the washing this morning, so I took a quick pic.

I didn't do my hair before going to the beach, but his is how it looked after being there for just a few minutes.  I can't even blame this on social isolating...I look like this a lot :).

Happy sewing and stay well xx


  1. that is gorgeous, such a beautiful fabric. and love the beach photos.

    1. Thanks Beth, I'm glad to see you are still sewing strong through these strange times. Stay well xx

  2. Love the top it looks so floaty and easy to wear. I agree with you about Liberty fabrics. I sewed one last winter for the first time and loved it and will definitely be looking for more. You are so lucky to be able to go to the beach. We here in New Zealand are not allowed which is really sad.

    1. Thanks Margaret,
      Yes we are really lucky to get to the beach. I think our isolation is much easier than for many others. Hang in there, and hopefully not too much longer before we are all out and about again. Stay well xx

  3. Beautiful fabric and really fabulous blouse. Enjoy wearing it!

  4. I love the whole make. The shirt pattern looks so comfortable but just a bit of swirly to take it from ordinary to really pretty. And the fabric looks soooooo pretty and I imagine it must feel luxurious to wear.

  5. Gorgeous blouse and I love that you have worn it a lot and to the beach even though it is fancy silk. That's how it should be!
