

Rib Knit Jalie 2805

Here is an long-unblogged t-shirt in action.  It is a Jalie 2805 made up in a rib knit.  Initially I made it in a hurry the night before I went on a trip to Sydney.  I was worried that I did not have enough warm clothing, so I rummaged through the stash.  I quickly checked that I had enough fabric and then started cutting....only, you know how Jalie uses symmetrical sleeves and only gives you half the sleeve pattern?  Turns out that I did not have enough fabric.  I had already sewn the bodice, so I scrimped and went for elbow length sleeves and added a cuff.  One of my sons pointed out that one sleeve was longer than the other.  I insisted that it just appeared that way because I have one  shoulder and arm stronger than the other. Uh-uh.  When I had the luxury of time in my hotel room, I found out that one sleeve was about 2 inches longer than the other!!  I wore it that way all weekend and fixed it up when I got home.  Several months later I decided that I didn't 'wear this shirt because the neck binding was a bit too long, so I took the back half of the binding off, shortened and re-attached it.  So it took a few re-sews, but now it is getting worn regularly. 

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