

Tank Dress, 2nd draft

I have made the next version of my tank dress.

I made all the changes I outlined after my last version.  I went for a less full skirt, and made it shorter as well, as that seemed to suit the width best.  The two skirt patterns are interchangeable, so I can pick which one I want in future.  The more scooped neckline turned out as I envisioned, though it does slip around a lot more.  The amount of blousing seems about right.  I changed the dart to a side dart...the sides still droop but I think that this is a function of the extra ease from being a pull-on style and the drapiness of the fabric.  The fabric is a rayon print from Spotlight.

The mind plays funny games.  When I make up something that I have drafted, I ALWAYS can see changes that I should make for next time.  Well, this time I was happy with the pattern, so my mind started saying...well, it is just a tank dress, pretty boring really, nothing to get too excited about...I really have to work to keep the negative thoughts away.  I like this dress.  It is comfy and cool and perfect as a casual summer dress.


  1. I think you are right.... it is a perfect casual, cool and comfy summer dress. I like this skirt the best... all the proportions seem really good. You should be please... negative thoughts be banished. I just looked at it again... it is really a terrific fit. I love the sash belt too. It looks really good at the back too.

  2. I agree, its a perfect fit and lovely summer style that is custom fit to you... it looks great!

  3. In my experience the 'simplest" things can be the hardest, they demand perfection. So don't beat yourself up at all about making the perfect fitting tank dress! I bet you'll wear it heaps :)

  4. I love the changes you have made...the proportions are very pleasing. Simple is hard!

  5. It's great! You've achieved the magical proportions I've always strived for in a tank and have never quite gotten. It'll be a great base for more elaborate stuff if you want, too.

  6. It's fab. I really like the fit of the bodice/neckline.

  7. It looks so cool to wear. The sort of dress you wear when it is really too hot to think about clothes so "pretty boring" is actually perfect - but so hard to get right. Most clothes for very hot weather are too fussy and clingy.
