

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

It is years since I have had a New Year at home.  I am quite enjoying this time to update my blog (and other areas of my life).  Thanks to everybody who has read my blog and double thanks to those who have commented, and triple thanks to all those who write blogs .... it takes that extra effort to write a blog post once you have finished a project, but we all love reading about your creative process!

My last project for the year is actually a home dec project. When I moved town, I joined a social sewing group in order to meet some people.  Only they all do patchwork and quilting, which is really not my thing.  In my attempts to fit in, I made a table cloth.  It is not finished because I have not found the right fabric for the border.  I have been using it on my porch and it is starting to fade already, so maybe it will never get a border?

I don't normally follow home dec fashion, but being in my own home now, I have been reading a few magazines to get some ideas about interior decorating, and it appears that triangles are having a fashion moment.

 I still get a giggle when other people turn up in the background of my photos!

I did make the top I am wearing in these photographs, but it is part of a drafting project that I have not completed, so I will write about it when more progress has been made.

A big thanks to Bernice for taking the photographs for my recent splurge of blog posting.

Happy New Year to you all!  Bubbles all round.  I look forward to reading about your sewing adventures in 2015.


  1. That penguin needs to be in all your photos from now on. I wanted to join a local sewing group here but there are only quilting groups, too. Happy new year to you! Tell Bernice I miss seeing her projects! :)

  2. Happy New Year to you! I love reading your blog posts so it's been lovely go get a bunch all at once in recent days. You might not be big on home dec, but I really love your patchwork. The colors are really lovely, and it might be having a moment right now, but I do love the simply triangle pattern.

  3. Happy New Year! Penguin seems to be enjoying the quilt and the bubbles. :)

  4. Happy New Year to you too! Have a glass for me and I'll look forward to reading about your sewing adventures in 2015 xx

  5. Happy New Year - may 2015 bring sewing triumphs and beautiful cloth your way.

  6. Relaxing outdoors with a glass of something with friends is my favourite thing at this time if the year. Your quilt makes a great table cloth.

  7. OMG! I must have more penguin! Sure you make beautiful stuff, but PENGUIN!

    Will look forward to more on the drafting project, it looks nice already. {penguin}

  8. Happy New Year, Katherine! I'm happy to see you've been sewing away and enjoying life!

  9. Happy New Year to you too, Katherine *chinks glasses* Your quilt looks quite lovely as a table cloth, it's very pretty.
    Thank you again for the pattern you sent me. I've used it a couple of times now :)

  10. Katherine, I've really enjoyed your recent spurt of blog posts. That red skirt and bustier! Superb! And I always love your use of colour and pattern.
