

Printed Patrones Pants

We had a bit of fun with today's "photoshoot".  I recently picked up the book "Photographing models:  1,000 poses" and thought I would give a couple of the poses a bit of a whirl.

There is a chapter on kneeling poses.

This standing pose may not quite give off the intended "relaxed and connected with nature" vibe, but it does show my stripe matching front to back.  Yes, this was yet another unexpectedly stripy on-line purchase.  The fabric is a  DKNY royal/red graphic print stretch cotton twill from EmmaOneSock.

I tried a few leaning poses on a sand dune, that didn't work out, but getting off the dune seemed like the right time to show you the functioning front pockets.  The pattern diagram shows welt pockets on an angle that run into the side seam.  I followed an old Australian Stitches article "Jetted pockets are easy!" by Martyn Smith to make these pockets.  In the article, he does describe the difference between welt pockets and jetted pockets, but I couldn't actually understand what he was saying.  The instructions and photos to make the jets were very clear though.

He is a close up of the pocket.

I tried a jumping pose, which doesn't show you anything new about the pants.

 My kids were a little more adventurous in their jumping poses!

This next close-up of my bum is not a recommended pose from the book, but I wanted to show you the interesting dart - yoke thingy at the back.  You might need to click on the photo to see it.  I left off the welt pockets on the back.

My photographer was getting a little tired by the time we got to the lying poses and thought that he would lie down too...those are his feet at the front of the photo.

 One gratuitous sunset shot before I give you the pattern details.

The pattern is Patrones No. 327 6. Pitillo Jocavi.  I have been subscribing to Patrones for almost a year now.  When I got the first few issues I was a little underwhelmed, but now that I have quite a pile of them, I really enjoy flicking through them.  The styles they choose are more wearable for my lifestyle than other pattern companies...though there are plenty that I will never sew...possibly including the 20 or so jumpsuit patterns that they have put out this year.  There also seem to be hundreds of blazer patterns, and more than a few button up shirts.  Each issue seems to have a few different pants styles, but I have never seen one repeated...they all have different features.  These pants are a cropped length, with cuffs, an unusual back yoke / dart, angled welt pockets at front, straight welt pockets at the back, belt carriers and a curved waist band.  The pattern piece for the back waist band seemed to have a little triangle cut out of it, but that didn't show up in the line drawing, so I ignored it, as waistbands have never been my forte.

The pattern comes in sizes 40-44-48.  By the size charts, I measure a 46.  I didn't make a muslin.  I cut a size 44 with extra wide side seams for insurance.  I actually ended up taking the sides in, but this may be because my fabric had some stretch in it.  I did some fitting on the run, adjusting the crotch extensions (not unusual for me) and taking in the side seams, but nothing else.

I thought the pants might be a bit too bright, and went to ask the kids what they thought.  I didn't get the chance to ask though, because as I walked in the room they yelled out "They are sick!  They are cool!"  Possibly the most positive response that I have ever had to my sewing.


  1. They are way cool. As are some of your 1,000 poses. I expect to see the other 993 poses on new posts, right? Ha! I love that stripey fabric. It looks very cool with the stripey top you are wearing.

  2. This was fun! I love the stripey pants, and the pockets are so well made. The back yoke is very cool also.

  3. Very cool pants. Love them!

  4. Definitely 'sick'. My kids would have a fit at my using that word. Apparently I am too old! They are very nice pants and I really like the fabric you have chosen.

  5. Oh man - that book must be so awesome! I love the pants. I wonder if that is one of the DKNY prints on the front of the Vogue DKNY shift pattern that I've made up recently.... I think the pants are totally sick too!

  6. Love your new pants and the beach setting is gorgeous. No crocodiles?

    1. There very well could be crocodiles...we don't go to the beach to swim, just to run around on the sand.

  7. Nicely made (and matched, and modelled). I like the standing next to funny sand lines pose and the kneeling with book in front pose =) Also, bonus gold star for co-ordinating red and purple in your makes.

  8. I love the reaction from your kids and by this reaction you have made an excellent pair of pants. I like the yoke detail.I like the new inspired poses too!

  9. I'm very pleased to see you making Patrones as I've just got into them myself and it's so hard to find any examples on blogs. Do you know if there is a Patrones website where you can get more pictures or pattern info (like Burda has)? I've made some Patrones cargo pants (yet to be blogged) and am now working on a little French Patrones jacket with the current sewalong ( Love your pants!

    1. Hello Megan,

      I don't know of many examples of bloggers sewing up Patrones patterns, though I have wondered if I should look for more spanish speaking blogs?

  10. What a fun photoshoot! (I had no idea there were such a book. I ought to try it myself.) And the pants are very cute!

  11. I totally agree with your kids. Sick! Cool!

  12. That fabric is killer! What a great choice for pants. The fit looks nice, too.

  13. I love the standing pose. I need some posing help, too. And what a fabulous print! Pretty perfect for trousers. I have a couple of older issues of Patrones but am definitely curious what their styles are like. I've been pretty bored with the repetitious styles in Burda for about a year and yet I keep subscribing. Now I'm curious about the jetted/welt pocket thing, too. I understood that to be a cultural language difference. Welt here, jetted in Aus, NZ and maybe elsewhere. But I've never seen the term jetted in U.S. sewing.

    Anyway, fabulous sunset and modeling!

  14. I love these pants! I think I might need to get that book or one similar. I never know what to do when I'm being photographed.

  15. I love your photos, especially the jumping one. Getting a book on photography poses is not a bad idea.

    Your pants are very fun. The welt pockets are great.

  16. Great poses, looks like you had a ball - especially with the jumping! That book sounds very useful for us sewing bloggers!

    I love these pants - they really are 'fully sick'!. Love the fabric, the fit, the stellar welt pockets, the pattern matching...

  17. The photo shows how much fun you had with this photoshoot, love the design of the pants as well as it colors.
